Monday 30 November 2015

Stories on 30 Nov '15

Eight takeaways from AdAsia 2015
Veteran adperson Ramesh Narayan on the takeaways from AdAsia 2015 that was held in Taipei last week

Indrani Sen: Outreaching by Outdoor: From Static to Interactive
Outdoor industry leaders need to resolve many issues before visualising a roadmap for evolving towards the digital future, writes Indrani Sen

Havas powers FX India's Doctor Who celebrations
Every year, The Doctor's birthday is celebrated as TARDIS Day named after his Time Machine/Spacecraft and is one of the biggest events of the year for every Whovian

RAM Ratings for Week 46 Nov 8-14, 2015
Presenting RAM Ratings for Week 46 of 2015... that's November 8-14, 2015

Mumbai edition of The Hindu takes off
The Mumbai edition will add to 40 editions of The Hindu that are already published from 17 major Indian cities across India

Amith Prabhu: A perspective on PR awards
While I give credit to Anurag Batra for instituting these awards in 2010 and bringing up the 6th edition in style, it was sad to several stalwarts missing, writes Amith Prabhu

Genesis BM wins ICCO Award for Ashok Univ
The award won the Best Consumer Campaign