Monday, 12 May 2014

Stories on 12th May 14

75 years young, John Sculley is rearing to go.
How former Apple CEO John Sculley still uses Steve Jobs' transformative businesses ideas

Kyoorius boasts of 988 entries, Goafest curiously still mum on numbers
While the number for the creative and digital awards is 988 at Kyoorius, the flagship design awards will see around 700 entries, if last year's tally is an indicator

WPP's Sir Martin Sorrell outlines 10-point keynote at IAA World Congress
The 43rd IAA World Congress in Beijing China, WPP's Sir Martin Sorrell took the opportunity to present to the gathering his key-note address

IAA issues The Beijing Declaration
The Beijing Declaration was signed on May 10th 2014 by MrFarisAbouhamad of and Li Dongsheng of CAA

SMEs deliberate on role of digital in brand building
It was concurred that brands are becoming social and digital in attitude as well as in using themedia

Amith Prabhu: What corporate spokespersons can learn from the Narendra Modi interview on Times Now?
Some of the techniques used in the interview to Arnab Goswami last week were very clever like the man, notes Amith Prabhu adding that the BJP PM candidate's mind showed clarity but his body language showed discomfort