Monday 11 January 2016

Stories on 11th Jan '16

16 Trends in PR & Corp Comm in 2016
The communications profession is bound to see a lot of action, writes Amith Prabhu

CES Despatch by Sridharan Narayan: The men from Shenzhen (and their cool new toys)
What is apparent is that most of the 'innovations' are actually commodities, writes Sridharan Narayan

Big Magic Ganga rebrands to Big Ganga
BIG Ganga has a deep understanding of the socio-cultural fabric & reflecting the pride of people from the region

No fakes, just the real deal - promises in new campaignThe campaign was created to set the standard in authenticity via genuine branded goods, a new narrative for a brand-conscious Indian audience

RAM Ratings for Week 52 - Dec 20-26, 2015
Presenting RAM Ratings for Week 52 of 2015... that's December 20-26, 2015