Thursday, 6 November 2014

Stories on 6th Nov 14

4 must-dos to revive Brand Maharashtra
So what should do the new BJP-led government do to uplift Brand Maharashtra. A quick list by Avik Chattopadhyay

Lenovo uses SnapChat to warm up fans about new phone features
#VibeUpMyLife, a 72-hour Art-a-Thon showcases artists (in real-time) working on challenges they receive

O&M executes new campaign for Center Fruit Xplode
The product is available in Lemon & Orange flavours

Hathway ropes in Aidem to handle ad-sales function
Its subscriber base constitutes approximately 52 per cent of the total cable broadband market in India

Lowe Lintas unveils new campaign for Alto
Lowe Lintas has unveiled a new campaign that takes the viewers through new features that the refreshed car brand has to offer

What Ticks for Indian Consumers/ Women - Prathap Suthan and Gautam Talwar/ Kavita Kailas
Continuing with our extracts from the second edition of the MxMIndia Annual, we present contributions by Prathap Suthan and Gautam Talwar and Kavita Kailas