Friday, 4 January 2013

Stories on 4th Jan '13

A wishlist of improbables and imponderables for 2013
Ranjona Banerji presents her wishlist for 2013

What the experts foretell will happen in business
Experts' take on what the next five years mean for Indian business

Star India launches
Introduces video timeline for cricket with innovative video scorecard, and integration with social media

Anil Thakraney: Media's New Year resolution: Not to move on
The Delhi tragedy should serve as a major turning point for us in the media. Despite all the good work, one thing we have lacked in so far is doggedness. We must demonstrate it this time

Jaldi 5 with Archana Vohra: itimes is philosophically different
Times Internet has launched its interest-based network, which is live with over 5000 interests. We spoke to Archana Vohra, Vice President, Times Internet to get more details

Bloomberg TV to present Autocar India Awards on Jan 9
In all, 22 awards across the two- and four-wheeler segments will be given

The Anchor: 6 reasons brands should not ignore cinema advertising
In the scramble for a piece of the small screen, brands need to remember that the big screen gives them advantages that TV cannot