Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Stories on 5th Feb '14

Comment | IRS mess: Heads: publishers lose. Tails: publishers lose
Sadly, only media agencies & advertisers stand to gain currently + Bharat Kapadia's IRStoons

INS rejects MRUC response. Mulls alternative currency. Key publicatns to start withdrawing fm IRS
The Indian Newspaper Society has rejected the MRUC response of waiting for the RSCI meeting on February 19.

MRUC issues statement. Decision on IRS by RSCI on Feb 19
Decision on IRS by RSCI on Feb 19.

NewsStand: How our Page 1s covered Satya Nadella garu's ascent
We bring you the front-pages of select newspapers of today (Wednesday, Feb 5) for an idea of how they displayed the Satya Nadella news

Noose on 'misleading' ads gets tighter as govt panel says celebs also liable for endorsements
The Central Consumer Protection Council mulls ways in which advertising making incorrect promises in ads can be dealt with

Cheil bags Lavie by Bagzone
The adspend is valued at Rs 25-30 crore and the account will be handled by Cheil India's Mumbai and Gurgaon offices

Spikes Asia will now be a 4-day affair
The fest will be held from September 23 to 26 in Singapore

Captive audience marketing 'bootcamp' by Eventfaqs on Feb 6
The conference will deal with issues concerning marketing to captive audiences in environments like malls, multiplexes, airports and live events