Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Stories on 18th Feb '14

CDOspeak | Do less, but effective
In a new series of interviews with Chief Digital Officers, Venke Sharma, the Star India VP and head of digital, on how to optimally employ digital platforms for engagement

FICCI Frames turns 15, 2014 edition to focus on how M&E influences social change
The theme of Frames 2014 is "Media and Entertainment: Transforming Lives" highlighting the role of media and entertainment as a vehicle for social change

Times Internet launches travel portal HappyTrips.com
HappyTrips promises to explore unknown locations, and currently tracks 200 Indian and 100 international destinations

Creativeland wins full-service digital mandate of Mercedes-Benz India
Creativeland Asia was chosen after a round of multi-agency pitch held earlier this year

Ad Club ties up with JMC Academy of Australia to conduct workshops
The first JMC-Ad Club workshop will be held on March 11 with the theme 'Entertainment Business Management : Taking Indian creative content onto the world stage'