Friday, 23 November 2012

Stories on 23rd Nov '12

PR folk get set for PRAXIS 2012-11-23
As many as 255 delegates and 35 speakers are set to assemble in Pondicherry for PRAXIS 2012, an independent PR conference. MxMIndia is partnering the event

India Inc opts for sports as preferred marketing
Sports emerged as the most preferred marketing tool, over celebrities, events and product placements in movies, music or art, according to a study conducted by SportzConsult, India's premier sports management company

Paritosh Joshi: ASCI is not an Elephant though it might be a herring... a red one
Anant Rangaswami's book took on - inter alia - the ASCI. Paritosh Joshi has a reply

Jaldi 5 with Sunil Punjabi: Action, drama, entertainment
AXN India is gearing up for full-on thrills spanning the entertainment spectrum. The star of the broadened content lineup is The Apprentice Asia. MxM India spoke to AXN's Sunil Punjabi on the whys and hows

IAMAI announces 3rd annual India Digital Awards
The Internet & Mobile Association of India will hold its third annual India Digital Awards for the internet and mobile value added service industry on January 17, 2013 at New Delhi

Speaking of Which | Shall We Disappear You?
Verbs have their places in black and white, not including grey areas. Vidya Heble counts the shades

Azim Premji wins Forbes India's inaugural philanthropy award
Ten outstanding people were honoured for their contribution towards the good of society

The Anchor: Lloyd Mathias on 5 reasons why corporates should not ignore the IPL
Lloyd Mathias lists 5 reasons why corporates should not ignore the IPL

Anil Thakraney: Shucks! We lost the action on Kasab. :(
We missed out on all the death tamasha that would have been played out inside the newsrooms and outside the Yerawada jail, amongst other places. Not to speak of all the entertainment that happens when wild speculation goes full-on

Ranjona Banerji: Why we can get gussa with Ram Gopal Verma!
Ram Gopal Verma's foreplay and orgasm theory for Kasab's hanging gets flak, writes Ranjona Banerji