Enough backers for payback series?
Will it be a cracker or a damp squib? Advertisers are optimistic and observers pin hopes on the men in blue as they take on England in cricket until end-Jan
Is metric-driven advertising killing creativity?
Always popular with the multinational FMCG companies, pretesting of ads is now in its Golden Age
Jaldi 5 with Mandeep Malhotra: Jugaad is our way of life
DDB Mudra Max president Mandeep Malhotra on 'The Art of Indian Jugaad', a presentation he made to marketers and ad agencies in Finland last month, and why the concept is such a hit in Europe
Shailesh Kapoor | Kids & Television: No Child's Play
Shailesh Kapoor on how the television industry handles kids - as audience and as talent
All roads to Pondy next week for Praxis 2012
The inaugural Praxis 2012 conference on public relations will be held in Pondicherry on November 23 and 24 with 35 speakers and 240 delegates in attendance
Bipin Pandit's Khumaar show in Feb '13
Khumaar, a musical event organized in his personal capacity by Bipin Pandit, Chief Operating Officer of The Advertising Club, will be held in the first week of February 2013
The Anchor. 5 reasons why marketers must use Bhai Dooj/Bhau Beej to sell their wares
It's Bhai Dooj/Bhau Beej, and A N Chorrea wonders why the opportunity hasn't been milked enough by marketers
Debrief: Dulux: Needs a dose of passion
Where I feel a little let-down is in the execution. The thought is there, the passion is missing
Signposts... November 15
Our daily feature 'Signposts' which as the name suggests will carry an assorted range of, ah, well, signposts